This topic was the first thing I ever wanted to get out of automation and is what kick-started my learning.
And again, this is all available on my github.
I had a simple use case which went like so:

  • Iterate through a list of switches
  • Run the show interface status command
  • Check if a certain vlan existed in that output
  • Print it if that vlan was found

Even though it seemed somewhat simple, I struggled with it and only now have managed to get this sorted. And in the end it was very simple!

The way I initially managed to do it was using pynetc and ntc-templates to parse the output and make it easier to work with.
However after doing some testing I found using pynetc was not the fastest way to do this and instead switched to using netmiko.
For comparison, the run times for the below code were:
pynetc - 17 seconds
netmiko - 9 seconds
So when running over 40+ devices, this makes a big difference.

<pre class="wp-block-code"><code>
## import required modules
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
from ntc_templates.parse import parse_output
from getpass import getpass

## read the hosts text file
switches = open("./hosts_files/edge_switches.txt").read().splitlines()

## set user and ask for ssh password
ssh_user = "USERNAME"
ssh_pass = getpass()

## first loops through switches and runs show int status and gathers facts
for x in switches:
    switch = ConnectHandler(device_type='cisco_ios', host=(x), username=(ssh_user), password=(ssh_pass))
    show_int = switch.send_command("show int status")
    ## parses output so it can be worked with easier
    show_int_parsed = parse_output(platform="cisco_ios", command="show int status", data=show_int)
    ## pull hostname from running config
    sw_hostname = switch.send_command("show run | in hostname")
    sw_hostname = sw_hostname.split()
    hostname = sw_hostname&#091;1]
    ## loops through parsed interface output and checks for interfaces on vlan 12
    for i in show_int_parsed:
        if i&#091;'vlan'] == '12':
            intf = (i&#091;'port'])
            vlans = (i&#091;'vlan'])
            status = (i&#091;'status'])
            print('Found port '+intf, 'on VLAN ' +vlans, '&amp; Port is: ' +status)</code></pre>
<!-- /wp:code -->

I am used to working with hosts files in Ansible, so to keep things similar I created a hosts.txt filevand bring this into the script as a list.
This list is then iterated through.

I think there will be a better way to do this, but this works for me and it gives me the output I was looking for!