Recently I was asked to write a script to monitor & alert on failed DAG runs on Apache Airflow. This script was to run on AWS lambda.


To really really over simplify Airflow, it is just a UI for cron. It runs python scripts which are called DAG’s on a cron schedule.

All I wanted to be able to do was query failed DAG runs and write to cloudwatch logs and also report to a slack channel.

The API endpoint

What allowed this is that Airflow released a new API endpoint to query DAG runs, this was previously experimental. With this release it meant I could query for DAG runs and pick out the failed ones.

Basic overview

The basic running is as follows:

  • Queries airflow API
  • Filters for any failed DAG runs
  • Logs these failed runs to cloudwatch logs
  • Then checks cloudwatch logs to see if these DAG ID’s have alerted in the last 30 mins
  • If not, then it will alert slack/email etc.


  • All infrastructure is created via Terraform
  • The environment variables are passed in during the Terraform apply to the lambda function


The major issue with the current iteration is that it cannot alert on state changes, such as a DAG moving from failed to success.

This is because I am not keeping a list of the DAG’s and their current state in a database or anything like that. Future iterations may have this functionality however.

The script

Click to expand

import json
import logging
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import requests
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

# Overview
# script runs every 15 minutes
# lambda_handler() function triggers get_dag_runs() function and loops over the output
# Then all failed runs are sent to cloudwatch logs
# check_cw() function then runs and checks cloudwatch logs for any mention of the failed dag ID's
# if failed dags are found in the logs then we can ignore it because it has been alerting already
# but if no logs are found, then it will alert to slack

# initalise and set logging level
logger = logging.getLogger()

# get time, convert to utc, minus 15 minutes
# then convert to a string that the api is expecting
time_minus = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=15)
date_time = time_minus.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

# get environment variables

# get api url and remove trailing "/"
api_url = os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_URL").strip("/")
# get airflow server name for logging & error messages
airflow_server = os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_SERVER_NAME", "unknown")
generic_slack_lambda = os.environ.get("GENERIC_SLACK_LAMBDA")
slack_channel = os.environ.get("SLACK_ALERT_CHANNEL_NAME") 

lambda_client = boto3.client("lambda")

def get_dag_runs():
    - queries the dags endpoint to get a list of active dags
    - gets a list of dag ids from the output and adds them to a list

        [list]: [list of dictionaries of dag runs]

    try:"Retrieving DAGs...")
        response = requests.get("https://{}/api/v1/dags".format(api_url))
        dags = response.json()
    except HTTPError as e:
        logger.error("Error retrieving DAGs: {}".format(e))

    # get list of dags if the dag is active and not paused
    list_of_dags = [x['dag_id'] for x in dags['dags']
                    if x['is_active'] and not x['is_paused']]

    # empty list to hold dag runs
    dag_runs = []
    failed_dag_runs = []

    # loop over dags returned
    for x in list_of_dags:
  "Retrieving DAG run ID's for {}".format(x))
            url = "https://{}/api/v1/dags/{}/dagRuns".format(api_url, x)
            # limit can be modified to increase runs returned.
            params = {'execution_date_gte': '{}'.format(date_time)}

            response_dags = requests.get(url, params=params)
            output = response_dags.json()
            # removes the the outside list to make working with the data easier
        except HTTPError as e:
            logger.error("Error retrieving DAG runs: {}".format(e))
        # loop over dag runs and get the failed ones
    for i in dag_runs:
        for j in i:
            if j['state'] == "failed":
    # if there are no failed runs, then exit the program
    # otherwise, return the failed_dag_runs list
    if not failed_dag_runs:
        raise SystemExit("No DAG's found with state 'failed'")
        return failed_dag_runs

def check_cw(failed_list):
    """This function is used to check cloudwatch logs over the last 30 minutes
      - the idea is that it will loop over the dag ID's inside of failed_list
      - if it can find the dag ID in a cloudwatch log entry then we can assume it is still alerting and then do nothing
      - if the dag ID is not found in a cloudwatch log entry then we assume this is a new alert and the dag ID is sent to the notify_slack() function

        failed_list ([list]): [list of dag ID's that have failing runs]

        [list]: [list of dag ID's to add the ignore list, stored in paramater store]

    client = boto3.client('logs')
    # remove duplicates from the list so that slack doesn't get spammed with alerts for one DAG that is failing 50 times.
    # we just want to alert to the fact that a DAG is failing, not that it has x amount of failures
    remove_dupes = list(set(failed_list))

    for x in remove_dupes:
        # cloudwatch log insights query, searching for the specific dag ID
        query = "fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp desc | limit 1 | filter dag_id = {}".format(x)
        # set log group name
        log_group = (f"{airflow_server}/failed_dag_runs").replace(".", "-")

        # run query against cloudwatch logs
        # this only returns a 'query_id', it does not return any results/logs
  "querying cloudwatch logs...")
            start_query_response = client.start_query(
                # search from 30 minutes ago
                startTime=int(( - timedelta(minutes=30)).timestamp()),
        except ClientError as e:

        query_id = start_query_response['queryId']
        response = None

        # wait for the query to finish
        while response == None or response['status'] == 'Running':
            response = client.get_query_results(

        # if not alerted in last 30 minutes then alert
        if not response['results']:
  "alerting slack with the following failed runs - {x}")
        # otherwise, ignore it & log
  "{response['results']} have been ignored")

def send_to_cw_logs(log):
    """Function to send to cloudwatch logs

        log (json): json formatted log

    # configure boto3 cloudwatch logs client
    client = boto3.client('logs')
    # set log stream name
    # set log group name, this is created in
    log_group  = (f"{airflow_server}/failed_dag_runs")
    log_stream = '{}'.format(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))

    # tries to create a new log stream
            logGroupName=log_group, logStreamName=log_stream)
    except client.exceptions.ResourceAlreadyExistsException:

    # querying the log stream is required to get the 'sequenceToken'
    # if you do not pass the 'sequenceToken' then it will error (unless it is a new log stream)
    # the 'sequenceToken' will be empty if is a new log stream
    response = client.describe_log_streams(
    # get the event batch ready for cloudwatch logs
    event_log = {
        'logGroupName': log_group,
        'logStreamName': log_stream,
        'logEvents': log,
    # this if statement sets the 'sequenceToken' if required
    if 'uploadSequenceToken' in response['logStreams'][0]:
            {'sequenceToken': response['logStreams'][0]['uploadSequenceToken']})

    # now send the events to cloudwatch
    response = client.put_log_events(**event_log)

def notify_slack(dag_id):
    """sends events to slack

        dag_id (list): list of dag ID's which should be sent to slack

        "type": "DAG Failure Alert",
        "message": f"The following DAGs on {api_url} have failed runs.",
        "channel": slack_channel,
        "additional": {
            "dag_ids": dag_id

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    - lambda entrypoint
    - triggers get_dag_runs function and adds the output to a dictionary, which is then added to a list and then passed to the cloudwatch function
    - the reason for this is so that the messages can be sent as a batch, rather than PUTing each message individually
    - it also grabs the dag_id from each message and adds this to a list which the check_cw function will take as an argument
    - once all logs are sent to cloudwatch, the check_cw function is triggered
    - finally the time it took to run is printed out
    # start recording execution time
    start_time =

    log_events = []
    dag_ids = []

    # loop over output of get_dag_runs() function
    for x in get_dag_runs():
        # add each entry to a dictionary that is formatted for cloudwatch logs
        batch_dict = {
            'timestamp': int(round(time.time() * 1000)),
            'message': json.dumps(x)
        # add that dictionary to the log_events list
        # grab the dag_id's and add it to the dag_ids list
    # send the logs to cloudwatch logs
    # trigger the check_cw function

    # print the time it took to run this because why not"Elapsed time: {str( - start_time)}")